I am a Professor at the Yokohama National University in Japan, where I joined the department of civil engineering in 2007. I have been involved in transportation geotechnics, ground improvement, ground reinforcement and laboratory geotechnical testing for approximately 20 years.

Research Interests
My current research interests include the following:
(1) Transportation geotechnics
Geotechnical aspects of design, construction, maintenance, monitoring and upgrading of roads, railways and airfields.
(2) Ground improvement and reinforcement
Development of innovative ground improvement and reinforcement geosystems for various engineering applications.
(3) Laboratory testing of soils
Developments in laboratory geotechnical testing, including apparatus, techniques, and data acquisition and interpretation.
1994 Bachelor of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1996 Master of Engineering, University of Tokyo
2001 Doctor of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Work Experience
1997 Research Associate, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
2001 Researcher, Port and Airport Research Institute
2003 Senior Researcher, Port and Airport Research Institute
2005 Senior Researcher and Project Researcher, Port and Airport Research Institute
2007 Associate Professor, Yokohama National University
2009 Visiting Lecturer, Tokyo Metropolitan University
2014 Professor, Yokohama National University
1998 Best presentation award for young presenters at the 53rd JSCE annual conference
2005 Best paper award for young authors by the Japanese Geotechnical Society
2012 Technical development award by the Japanese Geotechnical Society (shared by collaborators)
2014 Outstanding paper presentation award at the 42nd JSCE rock mechanics symposium (shared by coauthors)
2014 Incentive award at the 11th JSCE pavement engineering symposium (shared by coauthors)